Finally a blog about camera equipment and that turmoil on what to buy and what not to...
Cutting to the chase.... what do you shoot... and as a pro... what do you need to get to do your job.... it's all problem solving and the cheapest route that works everytime has got to be a good thing.
I have been thinking long and hard about upgrading my Canon 5D's with the latest incarnation... the 5D Mark 3..... nearly did it a few weeks ago... but two and a half k is a big old bill.... I went to Focus at the NEC and listened to a great photog giving a demonstration on one of the stands... he had some advice...
The guy is James Schmelzer... here's his site check out his biog of what he does and with whom he works...
anyway.. he had a couple of really interesting things to say.... actually that is unfair... he had a ton of really cool things to say... the guy is totally inspirational.. and I bet a right laugh after a couple of pints.... anyway, I digress... he said that a lot of his photog pals... the ones who are really good, do a couple of interesting things... firstly not shoot under 125th of a second.... thank goodness for that... I have realised now I am older I cannot hold still at under this speed.... and more importantly.. they are dialing in grain in post production.... So... my old 5D's do this naturally.... why spend the 2k after a ebay result to upgrade... there's more...
Strobist blog... as a photog you have to know this site... they rock light... and are totally OCD about everything lighting... oh yeah... give us more of that...
anyway... a blog about a new and totally wonderful camera... fuji's x100s....
I shall digress... this is camera porn... back in the day, as a cruiseship photog we used to use Leicas. I would say Leica is the top of the tree gear wise... feel... lenses... craftmanship.... the camera inspires you to be a better photog... anyway... the new fuji is a spiritual update from the old M3 and M4's.... what Leica should be making if they actually wanted working (broke) pros to be using their kit.... the article covers this and that, in great depth then passes us on to the great Zack Arias.... here's the link to his article...( I am getting to a point here... bear with me!)
This is a stupendous review... read it! however.... it is the comments in this article that got me thinking...
one chap wrote this....
This hobby hurts. As a 20 year old photographer in college, I would love a Fuji x100, or even an Olympus EP-l1! But with all my money going to school, gas, rent, food, and to helping my mom out, reviews like this hurt. I love my original 5d with its 50mm Sigma 1.4. Have you ever held this combination? It’s a workout. My cousin bought me these items as gifts, and I shoot almost every day. But it sucks knowing that the perfect camera is out there, one I could truly walk around with all day, with no worries of weight or storage, and that no matter what, you’ll be waiting for at least two more versions to come out before you could afford this one. Thank you for your reviews and work Zack. Maybe this camera will be mine in 4 or 5 years.. I can’t imagine buying a new lens or camera when that money could pay for rent, gas, tuition, etc. Photography will always be my hobby, even when I’m a nurse working 60 hour weeks, because getting a job as a photographer now is impossible. Sorry for the rant, it’s just a sucky feeling, wanting something that would make you happy, and having to wait for it.
now the vibe of the letter is another subject... which I want to talk about... but later... but Zack's response is brilliant....
@Kevin – I know exactly where you are. Shoot that 5d. It’s awesome. There’s a lot to be said for working up to things. Rocking the kit you have will make you a better shooter.
so this is the thrust of this blog... "rocking the kit you have" ........."all the gear and no idea" still stands... I feel like the 5D is old... but I am far from wringing out everything it can do... it is a classic... and limited by my imagination... as a side note... I read a book called "the Secret" life changing... but one of the big deals in it is being grateful for what you have... and this is the case in photography... don't go out spending all your money on a new camera body every couple of years... really roll round in the dirt and tap out the kit you have.... as a real pro your money is better off cutting you some slack so you can pursue a new project... pay the rent or mortgage.... buy shoes that only have one hole in them... the freedom of bills covered allow creativity to flow and flourish...
another photog's blog I like to read is David Duchemin.... here
I'm not going to wade through his blog.. but in a nutshell.... his war cry is vision not gear... he went bankrupt.... and now extols the virtues of never ever buying on credit or going in debt.
So... produce better shots from the gear you have..... and really learn how to work the instrument.... I never learnt how to play a musical instrument... but I do feel like my camera is the same thing... ( I digress... ok... waffle)
So... the old digital with grain.... ok ok... pixelation... lets call it a good thing... set on at least 125th of a second hand held...
as a footnote... I shot a production of "Little Shop Of Horrors" on Monday.... how I wished I had the Mk3 for it's quietness and asa (old money) iso development.... dammit! ( sorry)
Note.... Bought the Mk3.... it is awesome.